Early Years and Cert 4 Education Support Training

Develop your skills, knowledge and awareness to work within the field of Education and engage with the following Professional Development Opportunities offered:

Cert 4 Education Support

*  Cultural Awareness Training – Crossing Cultures : Hidden Histories   A comprehensive hands-on workshop which explores our shared history.  Develop your understanding of the past 250+ years of Government policy and the generational effects these have had on culture.  Sally co-facilitates this PD with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Elder or community member.

*  Indigenous Education 101 – What to do and what not to do when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and community.  Develop your understanding of cultural protocols and cultural competence.

*  The Keys Develop your pedagogical toolkit by exploring key strategies for working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

*  Becoming a Significant Other – Strengthen your ability to develop relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and the communities you work within.

Early Years Learning Framework

Looking to improve your understanding of the Early Years Learning Framework?  Engage me to unpack the Framework for you and your Early Years Educators. I can deliver this training over a Weekend or several Twilight sessions within your own centre, ensuring that the learning is meaningful and connected to building your centres Quality Improvement Plan.

The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia is a guide for Early Childhood educators who work with children from birth to five years.  It helps educators develop early learning programs that are responsive to children’s ideas, interest, strengths and abilities in the context of their families and communities. The Framework outlines a vision and an educational approach that promotes well-being and learning in a culturally responsive, safe and supportive setting.  It describes the Early Childhood years as a time for belonging, being and becoming.

Belonging is important for children when developing their own identity.  Children’s relationships with others – their families, communities, friends and educators – all help to develop a sense of belonging. Being is about children expressing themselves as individuals and developing their personality, culture, and learning.  It is important for children to enjoy their childhood experiences and build relationships and knowledge. Becoming is about the importance of children learning and growing in their childhood and allowing them to understand and build capacities, skills and relationships to be active participants in society. Choose either weekend or twilight to unpack the Early Years Learning Framework for your Early Years setting and develop your understanding of:

The 3 B’s – Belonging, Being and Becoming

The 2 P’s – Principles and Practices

The 5 Learning Outcomes

I have been trained as a Pedagogical Leader for the Remote Indigenous Professional Development Package for EYLF Australia – a Commonwealth Initiative of Australia – DEEWR Funded and trained over 50 Indigenous educators from various Indigenous Communities within Queensland.  These include the Torres Strait, Mackay, Mt Isa, Mornington Island, Cloncurry, Wooribinda and Charters Towers.

Sunshine Coast Queensland