Ration Shed Tour

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All aboard!!

Join me this Saturday at 7.30am for Cherbourg’s Ration Shed Museum with Aunty Honor Cleary and Uncle Marshall Saunders sharing their personal stories of growing up in Cherbourg and living under the Act.  The bus is nearly full, but you can still get last minute tickets by contacting Sarah on (07) 5459 9150 to book your seat on the bus. Tickets are $70 which includes Transport, Elders fees, all admissions to the Ration Shed Museum, Morning tea, 2 course Lunch and wine tasting at Moffatdale Ridge.  An amazing educational and professional experience that is a must for all.  We return by 6pm.  Check out my website for more information about the tours and click on the Ration Shed Tours icon to watch Channel 7’s Weekender program story on us.

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Sunshine Coast Queensland